kaue Campos Castanha's picture

The bucket shot ORIGINAL single shot

This shot was taken in Tokyo from inside the Yurikamome elevated train. After taking all the classic shots everyone takes in Japan, I went in a chase for my bucket shot, and I wanted a shot nobody had ever taken. So why not mix a long exposure with two famous landmarks from Tokyo? It's easier thought than done.

It was my last night in Japan, and to get the photo the exact way I visualised it, I had a 2-hour window from the moment the Tower lights would go on till 8 pm when they would change colours.
This shot took countless attempts. I needed two conditions: a train on the opposite track and a clear spot at the front window. To align everything, I had to exit one station past the location, take a train back one stop, and then re-board the next train toward the tower, repeating the process for two hours.

Even with the perfect setup, the real challenge began. I had to shoot handheld at 200mm, from a moving train, capturing a static background while another train passed by in motion—all at 0.4 sec shutter speed.

Settings: 0.4 sec at 2.8 and ISO 200.

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