Graham Veitch's picture

Dominican sunrise

Sunrise on the approach to the island of Dominica in the Caribbean

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Good Holiday?

Oh, yes. Bit of a shock getting back to the UK, 30C in Barbados and then 1C when we got to Birmingham airport. Cold doesnt come into it. But it didnt detract from what was a very good holiday, even if I did turn the wrong shade of lobster on the first day.

I can imagine. We live in Parguay where with a few weeks exception the temps are between 30 and 42. Teo years ago we visited England in Feb where it was snowing. Short story we both ended up in hospital with double pneumonia! Nightmare! I will only go there now from May onwards.

Hate to tell you this but it can snow here in may. Not frequently but is has happened. Sorry to hear about the pneumonia, hope there was no long lasting effects.