Steve S Johnson's picture

Vancouver Lights

Vancouver without the Mountains but the Light is crazy tonght!

18mm · f/8.0 · 4s · ISO 400
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Why choose ISO 400 since you're obviously using a tripod ? Go for your camera's native ISO, make use of the additional Dynamic Range and Color resolution the native ( base ) ISO gives you!

Your composition is pretty good, you use the two highways as guiding lines, you've got decent control of the highlights, the sky is relatively interesting, you've got traffic to make use of ( car light trails ) and some nice buildings.

I'd simply go for a longer exposure at ISO 100, and do an additional exposure with a shorter shutter time and focused on the tall black building in order to get the labels & the background tack sharp and perfectly exposed as well.

You can then easily blend in the perfectly exposed highlights using luminosity masks.

Well done anyway!

Good point but it really came down to fact that I forgot to reset the ISO from previous shots.(hate to admit it but still happens) But light and res turned out decent regardless, I thought.

Yeah, it turned out pretty good.
Sorry if I gave you the feeling that it wasn't good, that wasn't my intention nor is true.

The "corrections" I recommended are just to top it off, now that I think about it, capturing everything as sharp as it gets with your lens by using the optimal aperture & focus stacking combined with tuned sharpening would give it the small extra "cutting edge".

Which lens + camera are you using by the way ?

Hoping to see more of your work and cityscapes in the near future ;)

D810 with the 16-35 lens.