Kenji Chen's picture


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Apart from the fact that I'd like to see more of the drums, you've got a nice shot here.
Only a few details need to be ironed out to make it "shine".

1) Take out the distractions ( the microphone creeping in from the right edge of the frame, and the microphone in the background that almost "enters" his head )

2) Perform selective de-noise on the background for a smooth and nice bokeh.

I took the liberty of doing a quick edit using your shot here ( obviously you can do a better job since you have the original high resolution RAW file which is more flexible when it comes to adjustments and manipulation ).

Here's what I'd do:


Thank you for your advice. I guess I will probably take this shot out of my portfolio on my site. I have a few less tighter shot that might work better such as this: http://i60.tinypic.com/141lbue.jpg