Before And After Images Of 'Venus' Retouched To Today's Standards [NSFW]

Before And After Images Of 'Venus' Retouched To Today's Standards [NSFW]

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Venus is the Roman goddess who encompassed the concept of beauty, love and various other traits. She embodies all that is beautiful about a woman. Now, if you took the classical definition of beauty and brought her over to our age today where everything is retouched to 'perfection', what would she look like ? 

Found over at Mamamia, these 'before and after' versions of Venus show what changes she would go through if she were to represent today's typical ideal body type that you see in the media. I believe the reason these came about was for the opportunity to discuss what 'perfect' really means and to discuss how obsessed we've gotten over all the post production that goes into images.

Venus was held up to a high standard and she was the definition of perfect. Now, when we're so used to seeing retouched people everywhere in the media, we believe that it's almost normal. When we re-analyze that frame of mind and introduce the classical definition of beauty in, there is a stark contrast. It's almost offensive to think Venus needed any perfecting as she was already perfect.

With countries like Israel that have The Photoshop Law, do you believe we need to re-analyze how much post production is done to images? Would you like to see less done or do you believe the extent at which we see today is acceptable?

 [Via Mamamia via Vestal Magazing]

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Actually, I would say these don't even meet today's standards. There are still stretched skin on her back and a little skin fold on her mid-section.

I like how subtle they are though.

now they look like bodies of teenage girls...really creepy...

well considering life expectancy during 16th century around early 30's. Posing as children or teenagers sounds like something normal, we have almost tripled our life expectancy.

and the artist woulda been arrested for proliferating child-porn

The originals look better proportioned than the retouched.

After studying paintings like this in art history, its just weird to see the women edited to "today's" expectations.

I know you posted a serious question in your story, but also I feel these images firstly belong in the 'Photoshop FAIL' section.

so inspiring

How come the fat little cherubs didn't get a slimming? Totally unfair!

no no no no no..... put it back now! lol

I do find it interesting to compare the standards of beauty of different eras. I also think it's funny, or maybe even sad, that the headline refers to classical paintings as "NSFW."

haha... nice one!

As someone who does (or at least have done) this professionally, I can say that this totally underestimates how much commercial pictures are retouched today. Comparing the "before" and "after" of typical advertising images and videos would reveal differences much larger that what is shown above.