"I was in Valle the Bravo, Mexico filming what may be my biggest project with Lorena Dromundo National Downhill Champion, when she saw this amazing drop, Lorena took a couple of seconds to get ready. I took only one shot, but not appreciated all the movement so I thought it would be amazing if I shot it in sequence and I really love how it looks." -Josefo Robledo
Canon 7D
EF-S18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS
Athlete Lorena Dromundo
Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/LorenaDromundo?fref=ts
Twitter. https://twitter.com/lorenadromundo
Instagram. http://instagram.com/lorenadromundo
Photographer Josefo Robledo.
Youtube. https://youtube.com/creativestatestudio
Twitter. https://twitter.com/joseforobledo
Instagram. https://instagram.com/joseforobledo