"I got the biggest thrill of my life by roof-topping, a crazy idea I got after coming across this small group of guys who roof top across the world.
I was hanging out with a group of photographers when one guy decided to do it. Always finding ways to risk my life, I had to try it. It was only 20 floors and I couldn't bring myself to look down. There are guys out there who do it to 70+ floors out there! My hands are sweaty now just thinking of what I did.
Upper West Side, Manhattan.
I used a 16mm fish eye on a D800
f3.2 1/500 iso100
I did some basic editing to this using camera raw and a few curves adjustments in Photoshop for the tones." -Dani Diamond
It looks like a shoe advertisement to me, good job!
Awesome pic bro who's the other photographers you where with?