Ole Martin Halvorsen an amazing photographer from Oslo, Norway submitted this image.
"The reason I shot it was simply to see if I could do it, and to improve my photoshop skills. I saw a disintegration image on Behance I think, and I just wanted to [try] it, so one afternoon when my girlfriend and I had nothing to do, we just went to the studio and I kinda winged it. The background is from sxc.hu while she was shot in my studio.
The "concept" is simply to make it seem like there is some sort of power that is trying to get out of her body and disintegrating it in the process, I tried to enhance that idea with her pose and the light." - Ole Martin Halvorsen
Hasselblad H4D
Hasselblad 80mm 2,8
1/250 F9,5
ISO 100
Lit with one bare bulb flash to her right, and one with a 105cm umbrella ca right ahead of her.
Was this image the inspiration for this work? It is on behance http://www.advancedphotoshop.co.uk/users/20565/thm1024/1336988706_648235...
Amazing picture Ole Martin :) Gratulerer