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Iain Mack
Kettering, Northants, GB

Bookmarked Articles

How to (Digitally) Paint Your Own Gorgeous Backdrops

I'm no painter. In fact, if we ever play Pictionary together, do your best to get on the other team. So, when I wanted to make my own custom backdrops, I knew I was way out of my depth. Like many photographers, I've drooled over Sarah Oliphant's hand painted backdrops for years. When I saw Jeremy Cowart draw his own backdrop on an iPad Pro, I thought I may have something within reach. While I continued trying to decide exactly what Oliphant backdrop I want to start with, I thought maybe I could experiment with some digital painting of my own.

How To Quickly Make a Time-Lapse Using Photoshop

If you’re like me, you have little to no experience with time-lapses. It’s just something I haven't done much of. I’ve never had a client request it, and I’ve never really tried to do them for fun. I’m a stills guy, mostly, so time-lapses seem kind of like encroaching on video. But I thought this video was pretty interesting and had no idea that new versions of Photoshop have time lapse capabilities built in. Maybe I’ll give it a shot soon and get my feet wet with moving images with the help of this awesome tutorial on how to do time-lapses in Photoshop.

Laced Up: A Boudoir Photographer's Guide to Lingerie Shopping for Your Sessions

Take a look at any boudoir image and a trained eye will see the lighting, posing, and of course the wardrobe. Attention to detail in how each look flatters your client will go a long way. This guide will list where to shop whether on a budget or having the ability to stock your studio with high-end lingerie.

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