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Carl Murray
Melbourne, VIC, AU

Bookmarked Articles

A Cautionary Tale: Why All Photographers Who Charge Money Need to Get Legit Now

A recent anonymous social media post is being spread like wildfire all over many photography groups and pages. In it, a woman claims she has had all of her accounts frozen, has a lien on her home, is being held liable for over $45,000 in delinquent taxes, and might possibly be banned from doing business in her county, because for five years, she has failed to report income she has made from photography.

Why My Ego Won't Let Me Ditch My Full-Frame Sensor

As my photographic career has evolved, so has my appreciation of image quality. I now spend a huge amount of time on the road and would love a lighter, smaller system, and yet I can't bring myself to let go of my full-frame sensor.

Stop Hating Your Favorite Shots

Some of my favorite photos are starting to feel old to me after looking at them so many times. Don't forget this is only a personal perception and often not shared by your audience.

How to Make Money as a Landscape Photographer

Many photographers love spending time in the outdoors, photographing the natural world. But not everyone can sustain their passion into a full-time job. Watch this video to learn how one landscape photographer makes money with his craft.

How to Use a Wide-Angle Lens

Wide-angle lenses are among the most difficult lenses to use in photography and videography. The wider you go, the more difficult they become to handle. Let’s talk today about how to make the best use of wide and ultra-wide lenses.

2018 Custom PC Guide for Photography and Video

Last week Apple introduced new MacBook Pro models and the prices already initiated discussions. Maybe it is still better to build a custom PC for getting the bang for the buck.

How to Become a Famous Photographer

As photographers, many of us do tend to take ourselves a little too seriously. We spend a great deal of time making sure we’re perceived the way we want to be and that people know who we are. In this tongue-in-cheek article, Etienne Bossot of Pics of Asia lays out your path to becoming a famous travel photographer.

How to Get the Most Out of and Do More With Your Travel Photography

Traveling to create new photography can get expensive fast, but whether it's for personal work, stock, or your portfolio, it is often a necessary part of advancing your work. There are lots of ways to monetize these images and tricks to shoulder the upfront costs involved in creating them. This is the approach and tips I use to get the most out of my travel photography.

Is Photography a Thankless Job?

Straight to the point today: is photography, or the pursuit of anything creative or artistic as a legitimate profession, a thankless pursuit and vocation?

Why Every Photographer Should Consider Using Back-Button Autofocus

Almost every camera in existence (at least every one I've ever used) comes out of the box with the autofocus activation linked to the shutter button. While this is generally fine for a lot of situations, there's a better method out there, and this great video will show you why and how you should use it.

Creating Amazing Photographs in Small Spaces

While the idea of having the best available studio and equipment remains, well, an idea or dream for many of us, creating great images in the comfort of your own home does not have to be.

Why Demanding Clients Are Best for Your Photography Career

In the early throes of your career, demanding clients with highly specified briefs can seem far more trouble than they are worth. I initially would be far more interested in the clients who offered creative freedom, but looking back, I believe I was wrong to do so. I'll explain why.

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