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Stewart Wood
Cannock, GB

Articles written by Stewart Wood

The Macro Photography Rule Book: Think Differently

Macro photographers learn over time that this genre of photography can break rules you’d always follow in other areas like landscape or portrait photography. It’s a different world to explore, and taking a different approach is an asset when mixing science with art.

Macro Photography: The Universe at Our Feet

Here is some exciting news for any macro photographer out there, Don Komarechka is working on a new book called Macro Photography: The Universe at Our Feet.

Five Tips for Better Macro Photography

The world of macro photography can look complicated to a beginner but it’s really not and in these five tips for better macro photography I’ll show you how you can improve your macro photography.

Creative Macro Photography With Water Balls

When you talk about macro photography, people instinctively think bugs, insects, and creepy crawlies up close and personal, but there is so much more you can do when it comes to macro photography.