Howdy everyone and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have a Apple accessory line shoot, shot by photographer Taylor Tupy. Taylor uses a cheap DIY trick to give his photos a little extra look for this product shoot. If you have a great and informative video you want to see in the Wednesday Rundown please shoot me an email .
Apple Case Product Shoot:
Taylor Tupy shoots woodchuck case's new apple accessory line. Taylor uses a cheap tile board to create a shiny floor and slight reflection. *** Correction Taylor uses plexiglass, he told me he wasn't apple to get this good of a look with the tile board. You can pick this up for around $15 at your local Home Depot and it is a great addition to your shoot.
Winter 2012/2013 WOODCHUCKcase Look from Taylor Tupy on Vimeo.
Rugby Fashion Shoot:
Photographer Stephen DeVries shoots World Rugby Shop catalogue line. Stephen uses one of my favorite light modifiers, the softlighter. A nice cheap and easy setup modifier that creates somes great soft light.
BTS :: from Kinora Films on Vimeo.
Roller Derby Shoot:
With a ton of lighting gear and grip photographer Steven Brown shoots two roller derby teams.
Behind The Scenes - Steve Brown Roller Derby Shoot from Ben Grubb on Vimeo.
Those tile boards also make great wall-covering whiteboards!
In the last video there is some interesting light stand/jib crane for the beauty it some DIY project ? I think it's great solution for those who are photo/videographers, it can be used for light stand and also for crane. If someone knows what this really is, let me know.
It's a Kessler Crane. There are cheap ebay versions too.
here is a photo of the redwing
its not a Kessler Crane, its a Red Wing boom much cheaper than a Kessler but much different.
It's a redwing boom, I have one and unfortunately it does not make for a good crane or jib, but it is a fantastic tool to have in the studio...
Anyone with ebay links from cheap versions ? And yes, it's a Red Wing.