Howdy and welcome to the Wednesday Rundown. This week we have videos sent in by a couple of readers. Two shoots have some unique shooting back drops. There is also a fashion shoot and a basic video lighting tutorial. If you have a video that you think we might like to post, please click on "submit content" above.
Action Scene:
Two guys get the chance to set a car a blaze and snap some photos for their portfolio. Cool to see some young guys creating a darning backdrop. See the final image here.
Erasing the past from Daniell de Sousa on Vimeo.
Half Life:
Alvin sent us in a cool shoot he did at an unfinished nuclear power plant. He has a very cool back drop for some of all these pictures. Check out his site for more of his work.
H A L F L I F E | Alvin Nguyen for Papercut from alvinnguyen on Vimeo.
HalfLife by Alvin Nguyen from alvinnguyen on Vimeo.
Fashion Shoot:
A reader sends in a great looking fashion shoot. This shoot produces some top notch final images. Check out more of the photographers work at
Basic Three Point Lighting:
A tutorial on lighting video with three lights. A good basic video on getting started with video lights. This could be some good information for people making a video for the contest.
besides the last video, the most instructive rundown so far.