Trending Posts in Compositing and Photo Manipulation Group


a gothic nike

What a talented cool group!

Not sure if I am at the level of most of you..."The Tree Nymph" 2020

Trains at night

I hope I am in the right group...took this night shoot of a train passing...

Shoot Thyself

2 shots stitched together, me shooting myself with a bow and arrow. Small set in my living room using a black backdrop...

Travel Tripod

I bought a tripod, so I took it.

Boom Strawberry

taken at studio, One of various works done for a local fruit shop

The Last Stand

I'm quite proud of this one. Ask me anything


When its too hot to be outside, but you need something to do. Saw someone else do this on another site and thought I'd...

Like to learn to edit/develop RAW pics

I have a canon G7x M2 and have been learnng how to take pictures and each pic i have both the RAW and JPG format and i...

Like to learn to edit/develop RAW pics

I have a canon G7x M2 and have been learnng how to take pictures and each pic i have both the RAW and JPG format and i...


Good day to all of you! Here's a composite I've been working on for the past three weeks in between life (you all know...


Gostaria de ter um feedback de vocês sobre meu trabalho, veja mais em: @edinhoe4

Lunar Lake

This composite consists of 4 different exposures. It was experimental and I enjoyed the process.

Cafe Fallout Postapox

I'm experimenting with some comps in Photoshop by going through some of my many TBs of images. This is from a...

Pandemic Chronicle - Brand Composite

A series of shots (10 total) to build my Pandemic Chronicle, along with hours of compositing, editing, painting and...


It was hard to get any meaningful client work done while in confinement with a toddler 😅 but on the flip side, we read...

Surprising special effects were possible with colour reversal film!

As an award winning ‘Special Effects’ photographer, who was promoted by Kodak in the 1960’s, I am surprised to learn...

Spirit of Spring

This award-winning Kodachrome transparency was created in the mid 1960's using my own invented special effects...

WHICH ONE appeal you

Vijaynagar Beach, Andaman, India. Reached the location well in advance. Captured 3 different versions. Processed in PS...