Architecture is all around us. Every building, every bridge, every walkway is some sort of architecture. Seeing it in the daylight is great, but seeing it from a whole new perspective such as these images, is incredible.
Here are 15 amazing example of what I am talking about.

Check out more of these amazing shots here.
Photograph credits -
VerticalDubai, Josh Liba, MikeBehnken, cuellar, wvs, Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton, paul bica, Stuck in Customs, paul bica, nick.garrod, wecand (2), paul bica, LeashaAHooker, wecand,Anthony Golston Photography, iDie, xMEGALOPOLISx, ChristianRudat, ateist-kleranty, Sprengben,Nina Papiorek, slavophotography, PolarImpress, DaveWilsonPhotography, RedNihao,xMEGALOPOLISx,DietLook, IsacGoulart, Une-Vache, flamevulture17,piotrus33, rsjessen, Zouberi
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where is the picture on top of the rockefeller centre ??
TOO much HDR!
totally agree John.
Heres a link to my Architecture page:
I agree completely. My architectural photography:
Normally I 'd agree about teh HDR look, but teh elephant and teh blue and yello look rather nice
And what low rent software is running this site that it doesnt show up on IE8 properly?