How To Create Videos With Little or No Money

A lot of video productions use incredible arsenals of gear — even YouTubers seem to be shooting with tens of thousands of dollars of kit — but it's no secret that isn't necessary. Here are some tips for shooting videos with little to no money.

I can still clearly remember how frustrated I felt when I didn't have the equipment I wanted (and arguably needed) for shoots and jobs. However, I've learned three things about this over the years. Firstly, don't buy equipment on the promise of future work — it's invariably smoke and mirrors. Secondly, you rarely need a piece of gear, but it does happen, so scrutinize whether you want it or need it. Thirdly, the habit of looking at better gear doesn't go away.

The third part is something that took me all too long to realize. I would look at better equipment than mine, and for the longest time, I would reason that I would create much better work with it. But then, once you have it, the honeymoon period will end and you'll be looking at the next, better, and more expensive thing. With videography, this mountain goes right up into the clouds. Even if you're shooting with the latest Sony VENICE and an eye-watering selection of lenses, there'll be a RED camera with more features to salivate at.

In this video, Lizzie Peirce goes through some tips on how to shoot videography with little or no money, mostly by being resourceful and striking up symbiotic relationships.

Rob Baggs's picture

Robert K Baggs is a professional portrait and commercial photographer, educator, and consultant from England. Robert has a First-Class degree in Philosophy and a Master's by Research. In 2015 Robert's work on plagiarism in photography was published as part of several universities' photography degree syllabuses.

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