The Best Images from GuruShots "Photogenic Pursuits" Challenge

The Best Images from GuruShots "Photogenic Pursuits" Challenge

Have you tried  is the "The World’s Greatest Photo Game" from GuruShots? They offer challenges all the time and allow photographers of every level to submit and participate. Their latest challenge "Photogenic Pursuits," received thousands of entries and millions of votes. You can see the three winners of the challenge as well as hundreds of top rated images below.

GuruShots is a great place for any individual who wants to share their photos with fellow photography enthusiasts. They constantly post new themed challenges that offer a wide variety of prizes every week which help you challenge yourself and keep you growing as a photographer.

Erik Enrico Ersson, Sweden - Top Photographer

Gabriel Fox, Brazil - Top Photo

Janus Maczak, Canada - Guru's Top Pick

David Strauss's picture

David Strauss is a wedding photographer based in Charleston, SC.

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