WINNER: Tracey Shrier
If you have pictures on your iPhone and wish they were decorating your walls instead of being forgotten in your camera roll, then PostalPix is the service you have been waiting for. Now you can win $75 worth of printing (enough to print 'till your heart's content) if you can guess what this extreme close-up image is.
To enter to win, just use the widget below. The contest is open until Monday July 30, when we will announce the winner here. In order to qualify to win, you must correctly guess what the object below is as well as make sure you are a fan of Fstoppers and PostalPix on Facebook. Contest is only open to those whose service areas are covered by PostalPix.
So Fstoppers... what is the image below?

Looks like an iPhone earbud
Yep, iphone ear bud middle stem part.
absolutely. iphone earplug
Headphone from Apple
Protective grill of an Apple ear bud, no doubt.
^ Wow, some serious Apple fan boys up in here.
Yes, because it clearly does NOT resemble an Apple ear bud, right?
I wouldn't know, as I don't spend time inspecting Apple earbuds enough to recognize them on the spot. Meh.
So anyone that uses apple earbuds is a fanboy? Mine came with my phone, I use them. I'm also typing this on a windows 7 PC which I own.
+1 for apple earbud, though. The standard kind.
Agreed. I think the term fanboy is gets an extreme amount of use in the wrong context.
Apple Earphone
ear bud
it's an iPhone/iPod earphones earbud macro shot
iPhone earbud
Way to think outside the box. Now I'm wondering....
complex eyes of some metal bug. It just doesn't resemble iphone ear-bud at all...
apple earbud
An electric Razor ?
It looks like the top of a microphone or a speaker.
apple earphone