For this contest, we want to see your best nighttime photos.
More specifically, your image doesn't technically have to be taken at night, but it needs to appear like night.
Each photographer is allowed to upload three different submissions. The highest-rated and one random image will be chosen to receive a free tutorial from the Fstoppers Store.
Featured image by: Max Klein
No complaints about the grading system? Really?
Creepy! :)
*Tumbleweed rolls by*
No discussions about the topic beeing both to generic or to specific either.
And no one arguing about the definition of "night" vs "nighttime" vs. "appear like night"
What's happening ;-)
Yeah, bad moon rising.
Strap in sir. This might get real ugly, fast. :)
Aaah there it is :)
No in all seriousness, i feel you George. It''s just the way things go around here.
Some people gives 1 star without thinking about the "snapshot" aspect. They probably think it's a bad composition, execution and overall bad image, and rates it the lowest score possible even if there's alot of purpose behind your image. It sucks and happens to me all the time.
Personal trolls i have not. I'm not that special i'm afraid :)