Critique the Community


Submit Your Best Images of "Technology"
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 07 May 20 02:30:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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In this episode of Critique the Community, we are looking for your best photographs that represent "technology". These images can be posted to any type of photography portfolio and feature any genre of photography. Keep in mind, our critiques are always based on the idea that only your best work should be featured in your portfolio and these images would be used to gain future clients. Feel free to submit any images you want that fit the guideline but we will still critique based on portfolio quality work regardless. 

As always, the highest rated image will win a free tutorial from the Fstoppers Store. During filming, we will also pick one random winner who will also get a copy of any tutorial in our store as well.  The deadline for this Critique the Community is May 6th at 11:30pm (final voting is closed randomly so don't wait until the last minute to submit or rate others' images). 

Good luck and we hope everyone is doing well and staying safe as we continue to quarantine ourselves across the world. 

  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 07 May 20 02:30:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • 297 people have cast a total of 15,878 votes on 256 submissions from 177 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results


March 2019 and I remember that discussion too :)

repeats are going to happen from time to time. :)
Just happy it's one I get to take part in again, the last 2 or 3 weren't quite for me.

There has to be a way for you guys to see who is voting incredible images a 1 star. Its absolutely stupid that this issue has not been fixed yet.

Hi - - this issue has een frustrating yes and the discussion about it has been going on for quite a while now, but even though it's propably technically easy to filter out who voted a "1", there would still need to be someone who then had to manually check those images to decide if it was a delibetate down-voring. This alone might already take an hour or so - - and in this critique, so far almost 200 people have cast votes on almost 200 images (with still one week to go until submission ending and even longer until voting has ended).

How is everyone doing today?

Very well. How are you?

Staying alive:)

Weirdly the bee gees popped into my head when I read this, could be a lockdown anthem perhaps.

The following is from photographer Ben Long in regards to how to critique a photo:

“Now, when it comes time to critique, what most people do is feel like, "Oh, well, to be contributing, "I have to find something positive to say about it, "or I have to find something wrong with it "that I can suggest would make it a better image," and those are both fine ideas, but I think the real key to good critique is to not worry about finding something wrong, finding something that can be improved, finding a way to say something nice. I think critique starts by looking at the image and trying to discern what you think the photographer was trying to do. What do you feel in this image was their goal? If you can get to that, if you can get to that heart, to that essence of the image, everything else falls in place. Once you know what they were trying to do, then you know how they might be able to improve or where they might have stumbled.”

There were two photographs submitted just recently of motorcycles. Very well done but maybe not 4 or 5 star photos. After about 18 votes they are running at 1.5 and 1.63... what the f***?! These photos deserve at least two stars just because they show talent, thought, and ability. A bad photo of a naked woman holding a cell phone rated higher. Really? The people voting on this site are screwed up.

I believe that there are lot of voters here that vote lower because it is a contest. As for now it is not monitored in anyway and there is not any penalty for doing such. But also, I believe that this theme is little problematic as it not known for any recognized style in photography. people also vote lower because of other reasons as if they think that the photos irrelevant for the theme or other stuff. For some people the term technology means only sci-fi things or hi-tech.

There is also some "genius" voting 5 stars on everything too. But it doesn't really matter, the good photos always do well.
What surprises me is the high number of terrible photos that are entered. The contests ask for your 'best' photo, not for whatever you've got sitting on your hard drive that vaguely fits the theme.

Better photos supposed to get better results or at least above the less strong images. if the rank looked different in a way that it will not show the actual score but instead show percentage overall it would be easier for people. For example – “your photo is rank in the top 5%” sound much better than your photo get 2.5 (while the highest score is 2.7). For the lower rank I would just show “your photo rank below 50% of the best photos”.
Also, I believe as I said that this theme is problematic. How many general photographers have the goal to shoot “technology”? some relate it to product photography and some for transportation and other things. Its not defined by any look or known style as landscape photography or other categories. anyway, i already not taking anything serious with fstoppers contests. participate only for fun.

It appears that the photo of the naked lady with the cell phone has been taken down. I can't seem to find it any more.

Contest Submissions

Click on the thumbnails below to comment and vote on each image.

Click here to learn about the Fstoppers rating system and what each star value means.