Critique the Community


Submit Your Best Images of "Technology"
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 07 May 20 02:30:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

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This was our first ever live critique and it was also the first video we've ever released on our new "Fstoppers Live" Youtube channel. From now on we will be posting all live content and critiques on this Youtube Channel so make sure you subscribe

Once we figure out how we will also be critiquing the images of live viewers on the fly as we film so make sure you are watching the stream live on Youtube to take part. 

Make sure you upload your best "telephoto" images to the next critique here.

  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 07 May 20 02:30:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • 297 people have cast a total of 15,878 votes on 256 submissions from 177 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

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Thank you for the critique guys.

Regarding the flat black motorcycle photo by Peter Smith... the conversation:

Anonymous Reviewer - May 5, 2020
Very well done. The subtle lighting on black with a hint of red... cool! What the f*** is going on with people rating photos?! This is rated lower than a naked woman holding a cell phone! I know it's been said before but there are people running around just rating everything undeservedly at 1 star- wow!
0 -3
Julian Turton's picture
Julian Turton Anonymous Reviewer - May 7, 2020
It doesn't matter. Great photos still get great ratings. This photo is a snap shot of a new bike on the street with a weird crop.
1 0

Anonymous Reviewer Julian Turton - May 7, 2020
"Great photos still get great ratings", agreed. But, so what if it was taken on the street. The photographer recognized a subject matter that he liked and took the time to compose it in such a manner that it was indeed different... that may be weird to you but not to others. The same can be said about any photo at any time lest we forget that photography is subjective. I think the photographer shows technical ability and is making an effort to create a photo that is different. A photo does not need to be highly processed or staged or artificially lit to be a good photo. Is this photo great? I'd say not. I think you missed my point that in comparison to at least one photo (now taken down) and many others in this contest it is my opinion that this should have been rated much higher.
0 0
Julian Turton's picture
Julian Turton Anonymous Reviewer - May 7, 2020
Have a read of the Fstoppers rating system, it literally answers every concern you raised regarding subjectivity, location, lighting, processing etc and how to rate them.
The contest is to see which photos fair best using the rating system, not against other photos that happen to be submitted.
0 0

Pete Smith Julian Turton - a minute ago
I've held back on your discussion with Anonymous Reviewer to think about what both of you have said. Subjectively, anyone can call any photo anything they want. I have looked at the ratings system here and read them over and over. Whereas I am not expecting an award winning score it is my opinion, based on the rating system, that I do not deserve a one star vote that many are willing to quickly and without thought offer up as their vote. So what purpose does the rating system even serve if it is not followed to the letter? So let's look at the ratings system aside from the personal opinion in regard to this photo. Being the photographer, I can tell you there was indeed thought put into the creation of the photo. This immediately takes it beyond one star according to the rating system. I put thought into the composition, I was aware of the lighting, and there was post production work. That immediately puts it into the two star range. Did it miss the mark? That is subjective. Would a professional put it in their portfolio? That is subjective. I've seen worse in professional portfolios. Is it an all around good image- three star worthy? That is subjective but I believe I have demonstrated in this photo a solid demonstration of the basics called for in this rating system for a three star photo: composition (subjective- I think it's good); color (subjective but I see nothing wrong with the color); focus (subjective but I see nothing wrong with it); subject matter (subjective but I liked it); post production (unfortunately this site does not allow me to post my original- it was cropped, the color warmed up a bit, and some cloning was done to eliminate odd lines on the ground). All of these things meet the definition of a three star photo. Short of putting this motorcycle in a studio, I believe little more improvement could be made. Does that make it a four star shot? No! Because it is not flawless, it is not perfect... it was taken on the street, not in a controlled studio. But even placed in a studio I suspect most on this site would not rate it four stars. Conversely, does taking it on the street automatically make it a one or two star photo? I don't think so and I'm sure many people would say the same. There are so very many photos that are taken on the street (i.e. street photography) that are not technically perfect photos but they are great photos. Little or no manipulation of a photo does not automatically make it a one star photo. Your style of photography, for example, is highly manipulated. Does that make it automatically good or bad, great or horrible? No, that is subjective. Bottom line... If looking at the ratings system put forth here, you are wrong to call this motorcycle photo a one star photo. And I sincerely believe if this was put in front of the reviewers of this contest neither would say it is a one star photo.

Contest Submissions

Click on the thumbnails below to comment and vote on each image.

Click here to learn about the Fstoppers rating system and what each star value means.