Critique the Community

Unedited Photos

Submit your best unedited photos for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 08 Jan 19 04:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • Voting is closed.

  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results

With Lee and Patrick's move to Puerto Rico, the results for this episode of Critique the Community took a little longer to release. Now that they are in, do you think they rated these images fairly? Congratulations to our two winners, Ryan Rogowski, who submitted the highest community rated image, and to Brandon Farrell, who was the randomly selected entry to win a free Fstoppers tutorial. We will be in touch with both of you via your Fstoppers profiles to claim your prize. 

If you missed your chance to participate in this Critique, we invite you to submit your "Winter" themed images for our next episode

  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 08 Jan 19 04:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

  • 760 people have cast a total of 65,682 votes on 778 submissions from 483 contestants.
  • Congratulations to the winners!

    View Results

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I found the critique interesting when Lee and Patrick discuss unedited photos by telling us that they needed editing.............not being snarky.......just hard to ignore the irony..........

Puerto Rico?

Great critique, nice job showing in the video what the suggested edits might look like, plus a
bonus mini fail video in background!?? Excellent job.
If those were noseeums, get ready for endless nightime itching!

Hi guys I posted the photo of the lion that was featured in the critique.
So the shot was actually unedited but I did export the raw file through photoshop and on my device it doesn't show with that color grading...

Also the shot was real, the lion was lying in snow. It was taken at the Toronto zoo!

Love what you guys are doing and really appreciate all the advice!!!

Hahahaha the cut to the lady tripping was hysterical!

Lee, Patrick, and David: Had some ideas on the next CTCs since I think you put it out there for suggestions. How about your own (meaning the community) wedding or engagement photos (assuming you have the rights to them I suppose)? This will not only be a wedding critique but also judge how well you thought your own photographer(s) did. If not that, than I submit the following: Long Exposures, Desert, Tattoos & Piercings, Reflections, or Levitation (see a lot of interesting and well constructed examples of this).

If you guys do another "unedited" Critique the Community, you should stipulate that before winning or being included in the video critique, photographers being considered will be contacted and will need to submit the RAW files within 24 hours or be disqualified (which means RAW is required). That would be an easy way to avoid debating whether we're being duped or not and spend more time on the photography.

Contest Submissions

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