Fujifilm is known for many things: great cameras at better prices, gorgeous film simulations, and having a lot of very similar but distinct cameras. Sometimes, it can be overwhelming about what is similar or different between models, so I thought I would put together this resource to break it down so you can be sure to get the best camera for your own personal use.
To start off with, I will only be talking about Fujifilm's APS-C camera's in this article, as there are too few GFX cameras and too many smaller-than-APS-C to be cohesive. Now that we have that out of the way, let's begin.
Fixed Lens Compacts
X100 Series
The X100 series of cameras were Fuji's first foray into their new camera system and the building blocks for everything we have now. The X100 series are rangefinders with fixed lenses and an optical/digital hybrid viewfinder. Aside from the first camera, all of the X100 cameras have Fujifilm's renowned X-Trans APS-C sensors. The X100 series (up until the current X100F) feature no adjustable screen or weather-sealing, but do have a built-in flash.
XF Series
The XF series replaces Fujifilm's old X70 cameras. Currently on the debut XF10 model, they are super compact versions of the X100 with with no optical viewfinder and a fixed lens, which is wider than the X100, along with a built-in flash.
SLR-Style ILCs
There are three versions of the X-T series. For this article, I will be referring to them as the X-Tx, X-Txx and X-Txxx to differentiate between the "tiers" of these cameras.
X-Tx Series
The X-Tx series are Fujifilm's premium SLR-styled body, with the EVF in the center, full weather-sealing, and an adjustable screen. These cameras are positioned to take on the big boys like Sony, Canon, and Nikon. The newest model, the X-T3, debuted Fujifilm's new X-Trans IV sensor with their highest resolution to date.
X-Txx Series
The X-Txx series are essentially the X-Tx but smaller, without weather-sealing, and much cheaper. The X-Txx series also includes a built-in flash. Spec-wise, the X-Tx and the X-Txx are functionally identical. Currently, Fujifilm has released the X-T20, but there are rumors of an X-T30 in the new year.
X-Txxx Series
Currently, we only have the X-T100, which is a consumer-oriented camera without the famed X-Trans sensor; however, the engineers at Fujifilm still have given this camera the beloved film simulations, and it is currently the only camera in the Fujifilm X-T line-up that has a fully rotatable screen, perfect for vlogging. This camera is also not weather-sealed.
X-H Series
While we currently only have the X-H1, there is no reason to believe Fuji will not also release the X-H2 in the coming years. These cameras are similar to the X-Tx series in that they are SLR styled with an adjustable screen and weather-sealing, but they also add in-body image stabilization and a top LCD along with a big, deep camera grip. Geared for filmmakers, the X-H series is the best of both worlds.

A photo of Toronto Drag Queen Juice Boxx shot on the Fuji X-T3
Rangefinder Style ILCs
X-Pro Series
The X-Pro series of cameras are where Fuji first introduced their X-Trans Sensor, a special color filter array believed to give better sharpness and color fidelity. Currently in the second iteration, the X-Pro2 is a rangefinder, similar to the X100; however, with their new Fuji X-Mount, they laid claim that they were here for the long haul. While the X-Pro line does have full weather-sealing, neither the X-Pro 1 or the X-Pro 2 have adjustable screens.
X-E series
The X-E series is a set of cameras that are rangefinder styled, though they lack an optical viewfinder, they are compact, and lack weather-sealing, but have a pop-up flash. The current model, the X-E3, is a favorite second camera for many Fuji shooters due to the compact size. Think of the X-E series as a stripped down X-Pro series, the way the X-Txx series is a stripped down X-Tx series.
X-A series
The X-A series of camera's were Fujifilm's first foray into truly consumer bodies. They have bayer sensors, similar to the X-Txxx cameras, as well as fully rotatable screens. The X-A series of cameras do not have any sort of EVF or weather-sealing, but do have a pop-up flash. These camera's seem to be updated the fastest from Fuji, with the currently model already on the X-A5.
Now, this ia a lot to take in, so I've made a simple diagram to show what every camera does and does not have. There is currently no perfect camera from Fujifilm, but each camera has its own niche, and hopefully, this article has helped sort things out for you readers.
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I don't think that XF series replaces Fujifilm's old X70
I think that there will be X80 with this new processor and sensor since it uses less power and XF 10 is bayer
And you should add IBIS in that table since that is why X-H1 is all about.
I'm thinking about getting the XT3 for my fiancee. Is it any good? I currently have the 5D MK III and wouldn't mind having something lighter to carry, but equally good. Thoughts?
is it for your fiancee or for you? :)
anyway, XT3 is one of the best apsc camera you can get. Image quality is stellar. I can't directly compare it to 5DmkIII though, it's a FF camera, the "character" is different out of the box.
If the size/weight matters much, go for the XT3 man.
I compared the Canons and Fujis. Coming from several years with a 6D.
I switched to Fuji. The camera just seems more modern than the Canon.
Also, while Canon has more lenses available, the good lenses on Fuji X mount are a bit more affordable.
One other thing about Fuji, it is much more intuitive to use full manual. With physical iris, iso and shutter controls.
Just do it.
I'd say that the best of the fuji lenses are more affordable than the best of the Canon lenses, but the cheap canon lenses (Which are still fine) are WAY cheaper than even the cheapest Fuji lens
Wouldn't that be because Fuji lenses are newer and still go for a good price even used, also unlike Canon, Nikon, and Sony, you don't have many third party options to choose. As a matter of fact I say because of third party lenses Canon & Nikon are cheaper no?
The cheapest Fuji lenses are the XC-series. With a bit of luck you get from resellers super cheap (they bought kits with X-T20 and lenses and sell them separately) for around 200 bucks. This is far cheaper than the cheapest Canon lenses and I would say they are around the same qualitity than medium priced Canon lenses.
Love my X-T20. Lens quality is great. My favorites are 16mm F1.4 and 80 mm F2.8 macro.
Regarding the X-100 series and the X-Pro series camera: NONE of them are rangefinder cameras. None of them have a rangefinder in the camera. To the uninitiated they may APPEAR to be rangefinder cameras, but they are more correctly referred to as "window finder" cameras.
This is a mistake often made by writers who are unfamiliar with the broad range of camera configurations and the history of photo equipment.
rangefinder-style camera. Is that okay comic book guy?
I approve your use of the term "rangefinder-style".
So the differences are more about ergonomics than anything else? I wonder with all these models do they update the firmware for all of them or is that only relegated to their upper priced tiered camera's?
Well I think the most sold version in priority for them.
X-Pro 2 is more premium camera than X-T2 but X-T2 got more updates.
Still X-Pro 2 got a lot of updates same with X-T20.
X-E3 and X-H1 were released later so they had most of those update from the start
Btw. X-H1 got 2.0 update few days ago.
Well I own the X-Pro 2 and X-E3, I would love to see them get at least focus stackting
Yeah that would be nice.
I just sold X-T2 and bought X-Pro2 since I like the ergo more and I use mostly those new f/2 primes.
I bought a used XE-1 with an XF 18-55 so I would have something nice to take to the park with the kids (aged 1 and 4) and my Canon gear ( I shoot with a 5d mkii) was simply to heavy and too much of a pain.
The XE-1 pictures simply aren't the quality level of the 5d Mkii. The AF is, frankly, pretty horrible compared to the 5d mkii as well. The ergonomics and the feel of shooting it are, however, amazing. I cut my teeth on a praktica with CZ Jena lenses, so I just love having all the controls that I care about (namely Aperture and Shutter speed) back on physically tangibe dials. Shooting it is so much fun, and it is so much easier to tote around than my Canon, that I find I shoot with the thing about 75% of the time.
I have heard that Fuji has made great strides in addressing all of these issues.
So now it is time for my once a decade upgrade- and I am wondering if I should go with the 5d mk iv, or something else. I am not impressed with canon's R series, and I think it is pretty obvious that EF lens development is going to grind to a halt sooner rather than later. So is an XT-3 a viable alternative? Is stepping down from full frame to APS-C horrifyingly annoying?
Has anyone shot landscapes with an XT-3 or XH-1? I have some awesome Zeiss Jena primes- has anyone used a speedbooster with these?
If only there was a Fuji full frame it would be game over.
The X-E3 doesn’t have a built in flash does it?
no, it doesn't. only the x-t30 has one, of their latest cameras.
Advice: Fuji X-H1 or X-T3 for landscape photography
I want to buy/upgrade my Fuji X-T1 (lenses 52, 14, 23) and I can´t make a decision between X-H1/X-T3. Which one is better for landscape photography (I´m not videogrpher). Has the XT3 more detailed picture or not? Thank you for advice.
Awesome content! It clearly explained the Fuji camera lineup. Wish to see an updated version.
This question being as belated as my wake up call into the world of mirrorless cameras, (in the shape of my concluding my Canon 6D is in fact quite heavy for lugging around a whole afternoon for street photography, even if paired with a relatively tiny EF 28mm f/2.8 prime).
So I confess though I know exactly the main features I look for in a camera for my street shooting, (portable and light, with an APS-C sensor for wider depth of field but still retaining good IQ, and PREFERABLY with a fixed lens - zoom or not, but gravitating around the 35mm mark) I confess I haven't gotten my mind around either Fujifilm's, the smallish Sony's or Olympus's offers yet.
So any help from someone with similar needs would be much appreciated.
Thank you!
PS: I'd also love having a tilting, bright LCD screen for the odd shooting from the hip, but haven't figured out how that would work out in portrait orientation, so any light shed on that as well would be well welcomed.
Hey, check out Fuji X-T4 and maybe Fuji X Pro 3. I am using X-T3, it's great.