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Unedited Photos

Submit your best unedited photos for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 08 Jan 19 04:45:00 +0000

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Community Avg
2.17 - "Needs Work" 

Seattle pano from Kerry Park. I have combined the pictures in Photoshop & I have changed some basic settings for the image like exposure, shadow, highlights, etc.

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"needs work"?? I don´t get it. If this image would have been found in a publication years ago everyone would have gone "wow". Today in our over-saturated image jungle people just pass it on as "needs work" because it doesn´t look like a dazzling fairy-tale fantasy long exposure milky-way swirling in a myriad of colors style image. I think the picture is excellent.

Composition and colors are off to me. He's got those nasty twig like bushes blocking a lot of the buildings. The orange to blue sky doesn't look right. Probably because of the pano, but the left looks really saturated compared to the right. 2 stars.

. .interestingly enough I didn´t really notice the bushes until you mentioned them. I guess it´s because they´re quite dark. But still they don´t really bother me since they block out uninteresting buildings. My eyes are first drawn towards the top center and then to the right to the mountain.

Thanks for the feedback Heiko and Ryan. I feel privileged to see good photographers talking about my amateur image. I am editing the image and will resubmit the edited version next time there is landscape contest. The twigs are annoying but it is difficult to get around them in the composition. I am trying to remove them in the edit.

Reshoot with a drone?

I'm curious as to what's on the right side there. I see water.

Drone is what I was thinking too. It's difficult to get a clean shot otherwise. I have seen folks fly drones there. Now I just need to find someone with a drone. :). Yes it's Lake Washington.