I'm a total amature. i shot this against a cream colored wall in a dark room with a tourch behind the bottle.this was an exercise in depth of field and focus for me Please feel free to critique me
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Submission Deadline: Thu, 11 Apr 19 03:45:00 +0000
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If you’re looking to explore depth of field you could bring the glass further forward than the bottle. They look like they’re almost the same distance from the camera. This would create a greater difference in depth and you could then play with different focus and aperture options.
In terms of composition, there’s not a lot going on. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It does however make a viewer more focused on what is contained in the image. For example, the backlighting of the bottle is off-centre, but seems to be straight at the camera. You might like to either centre this, or angle the light so it goes through the bottle with more variation, maybe even towards the glass. This could tie the two elements together, and create a more interesting visual.
The heavy shadow near the base of the bottle keeps drawing my eye. It also shows a distinctly different shadow path to the glass which my brain tries to make sense of. Perhaps the backlight could be raised a touch and angled down a little to reduce this.
Lighting well is quite a skill. I’d recommend ‘practicing’ more in fairly natural situations early on as an amateur as there are less elements that you are trying to control.