Critique the Community

Seamless Background

Submit your best image taken on a seamless background for a chance to win a free Fstoppers tutorial.
  • Submission Deadline: Thu, 11 Apr 19 03:45:00 +0000

    This contest has ended.

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Community Avg
3.02 - "Solid" 

Editing is a tricky subject that divides a lot of people, what is too much editing? what is good or bad editing? These questions plague a lot of photographers, to me photography is art and if your art is pleasing to you and your client then do it. I would say i really loved the outcome of this image after editing it, editing is such a useful tool.

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Love the "grading" on this. lol. laughing at the new buzzword, not your image. Anyways, i gave it a 3. Just a little sense of personality, and it would be a 4. From my monitor, I see a hint of red gel on the back side of his head. I like it.

thank you

Love the pic

thank you

Love the light here and tones, great work

thank you very much.... its funny how you can rush something and it'll still come out great