Critique the Community

Travel Photos

Upload Your Best Travel Photos
  • Submission Deadline: Fri, 20 Mar 20 16:00:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.27 - "Snap Shot" 

Does space travel count?

Lit using external lighting.

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No. Because this doesnt show space at all. It shows negative space.
This is a completely different style of photography. You ignore the submission guidelines, then get upset at your rating.

"Show us some of the most amazing travel photos so that we can decide where we want to vacation after this whole thing is behind us."
How does this photo convay that, at all? They asked for real places.

Alright. Fair enough. I was aiming for the creative side of things. I don't enter these often, and was under the impression pictures were judged as pictures, not by relevance. I feel like this is relevant, as the minifigure has travelled to space. I'll agree to disagree here.

This is why people dont like to give a reason. You are making up your own guidlines. They always judge pictures based off of relevance. Otherwise, why have a category?

I figured the category was for the judges. I feel that if the star system is still shown as written, then it should be judged by them.

If you honestly want to do well in these, focus more on actually meeting the criteria and have fun while you do it. Other wise you will stay in this cycle.

I'll take up that advice. I'm going to put in another submission, one that more closely mirrors what other people are doing. It's a more basic landscape, which isn't my usual genre, but I'll give it a shot.