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Submit Your Best "Minimalistic" Photo
  • Submission Deadline: Sat, 07 Aug 21 17:15:00 +0000

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Community Avg
1.94 - "Needs Work" 

I shoot a lot of long exposure sunrise images along Lake Michigan, the water level was low this fall and found these 3 branches protruding from the sand. I keep things simple to give the viewer time to explore the photo.

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Ric if I may suggest that you find some way to lead a persons eye to the main subject.

I'd love to see the longest branch emerging in the bottom right corner and the horizon around the lower third, although if the sky isn't cooperating I can understand not wanting to include it too much.
The water is awesomely soft though!

Mike, I would have taken it futher away and more to my left and got as low down as possible, and angled the camera up. then when editing I would crop it down to the same ammount of sky that you have, taken out some of the foreground, and cropped as close to the small back log as I can. Then the big log would catch your eye and lead it into the subject. I would then up the px of the immage to the size that it was before the crop. Sharpen the saturation a little to bring out the colour and adjusted the density to bring out more detail in the reflection. The way it is now the rock outcrop at the back distracts the eye from the log.

Although I disagree with the color observation, the Jetty In the background has always been sore spot for this image. Thought about using photoshop to remove it but was never happy with the result. thank you for the feedback.

thank you Michael