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Show Us Your Best Portrait, Win A Full Lighting Kit
  • Submission Deadline: Tue, 30 Apr 24 00:00:00 +0000

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2.17 - "Needs Work" 

A simple documentary portrait of an early medieval reenactor who weaves selvedges based on Scandinavian patterns. During the annual Slavs and Vikings Festival at the Slavs and Vikings in Wolin / Poland.

Only colorgrading in Capture One and some additional tweaks inspired by Kodak Gold 200 colors done in Exposure X4.

Fujifilm X-H1 with XF 90mm f/2.

Natural light.

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I love craftspeople at work photographs, especially where there are such rich textures. I'm sure your corporate headshot work pays the bills but making these sort of portraits would excite me a lot more. The only thing I'd suggest is a crop to the right edge of the red vertical strings and maybe a little off the left. The blurry wood board seems to place a visual barrier in the path between viewer and subject. Just my opinion. Wonderful image, though.

Well my corporate work is paying bills but this kind of work, feed my soul. I left part of wooden door to use them as negative space and put more attention to her emotions and focus on her... focus.

I love they way she seems so intent on her work. You captured the perfect expression. I also like how natural the color and lighting looks.

Thats why i like reenactors and craftsmans especially.