There are a few contemporary photography websites that make me immediately stop what I am doing and look through the work being featured each month. One of my personal favorites is Fraction Magazine. Each month Fraction brings a handful of emerging artists to their viewers, showcasing some really amazing contemporary photography in each issue.
Fraction Magazine is as an on-line contemporary photography magazine that features diverse bodies of work by established and emerging artists from around the globe. Each monthly on-line issue tries to create a dialogue between differing photographic perspectives. Fraction also offers in-depth photography book reviews.
I reached out to David Bram, Fraction Magazine's editor and publisher to get a better idea of what makes this online publication tick.
What started the idea of creating a publication like Fraction Magazine online verses going to print?
The idea of Fraction came about in late 2007, a time when many traditional magazines where closing down and the online platform was beginning to thrive. Showing work online makes it accessible to everyone and gives the featured photographers an opportunity to reach a wider audience than being featured in a print publication.
Any hurdles that you had to overcome with launching the on-line publication?
In the beginning we had to work hard to find quality content and photographers that trusted us to promote their work. But as the reputation of Fraction grew, and I began participating in portfolio reviews and meeting photographers in person, thankfully that became a non-issue.
What do you look for from photographers who are featured? What types of things stand out to you when looking at a photographers work?
I am looking for cohesive portfolios that have a solid and fresh story or theme. I am looking for portfolios that are tightly edited and sequenced and are ready for promotion. Also, I am looking for work that has not already been posted all over the Internet.
Are there themes that run along with each month or do you try and pair artists work that reflect well with each other?
No, the issues are not theme-based. I try to match up portfolios that work well together.
I see that each issue you feature 4 photographers, is there any reason for that number each month?
There have been as few as three and as many as eight, but four seems to be the happy medium for me. Along with book reviews, it creates a nice amount of content.
What is next for Faction Magazine? Any new things around the corner you would like to share with us?
Fraction has just started selling work through the Fraction Editions. Each month new work is featured from the current issue. I work with the artist in selecting the image and then we make it available in an 8.5x11 size in an edition of 12. The price is $100, which I feel is accessible to nearly every budget. Also, Fraction will be publishing it's first Yearbook which will be available in limited quantities starting in April.
How can a photographer get work in front of you for review?
The best way is to send their submission to me using this link,or they can post a link to their website on the Fraction Facebook page.
Fraction Magazine's entire catalog can be found on their website at

Photographs from Fraction Magazine & artists have been used with their permission.