2022 is fast drawing to a close. There have been some outstanding releases this year, including lenses, bodies, and accessories. But what is the camera of the year? Take a look and see what comes out on top in the Pixel Awards, run by influential industry insiders.
Another year has almost come to a close. For me, in terms of gear acquisition, it was very quiet. Too quiet for my liking, but I'm sure I'll bounce back with some wildly extravagant purchases in the new year. And I do have my eye on a few things, not least of which is the Canon RF 24-70mm f/2.8L lens. However, it's not a new lens, so I'm not sure it gets a spot in the annual gear awards that vloggers, bloggers, and industry-adjacent organizations love to indulge in.
And that brings us to this great video by Chelsea and Tony Northrup, in which they run through a list of accolades in their annual Pixel Awards ceremony. While it may not be an official ceremony, with 1.56 million YouTube subscribers, the Northrups sure do hold some clout in the photography industry, and it's always interesting to hear their take on gear, even if I don't always agree with them. In this video, they run through a whole catalog of awards including, but not limited to: smartphone camera of the year, innovation of the year, lens of the year, and, of course, camera of the year. What's their verdict on the latter? The Canon R10. At $779, it's a rather contentious choice, so give the video a look and let me know your thoughts.
Considering the price point and the capability, it's a good choice. I know some would expect one of the high end cameras to be named, but this little gem does a lot of things good. It's not great, but it's under $800US. And then, of course, it wouldn't matter what they chose to some since it's the Northrups.
And, prior to awarding Canon's R10, they panned Canon heavily for their third party lens decision. So there's no bias when it comes to Canon.
Yes, I guess it all depends on the criteria you set and how you weigh each point...
Considering the price point and the capability, a R7 (3x price) is a much better option than a R10 (2x price).