If you're anything like me, you're always struggling to find the perfect bag for the job at hand. While we can usually justify getting another bag based on function, it's often the cost that stops us from investing. High-end bag manufacturer f-stop have pulled out all stops (see what I did there?) for their spring sale this year with some great deals to be had across their entire range.
Personally, I use a mix of their Mountain series packs and ICUs for most of my work and right now those are up to $350 off for a full bundle. These packs can be fitted with various "Internal Camera Units" depending on the amount of gear you need to take. For me, though, the stand-out features are their durability and comfort. These are bags designed for taking heavy loads into extreme conditions and they make that process a lot less arduous. A full f-stop kit can get pricey quickly, but now is a better time than any to give them a look.
On top of that, they're offering 50% off selected Urban series packs. These are more focused at smaller kits and moving stylishly through the city rather than hiking in the backcountry. The sale also includes 20% off their Dyota series (we reviewed the Dyota 20 here late last year). These deals are all while stocks last, so check those out on the f-stop site now.
Images courtesy of f-stop.