Which Nikon Z Camera Should I Buy?

I must admit, I’m out of the loop when it comes to the latest Nikon Z bodies. I shot with Nikon cameras almost exclusively from 2005 to 2014, but then I sold all my kit and switched to Fujifilm. Ten years later, I’m mulling a return to Nikon, but which camera should I buy?

To help my decision, I watched this enjoyable video from Omar Gonazalez Photography about three Nikon Z camera bodies: the Z8, the Zf, and the Z6 III. Amusing and informative, Gonzalez explains his personal experiences with each camera.

We start off with the Nikon Z8, a versatile, premium camera perfect for both photography and videography. The 45-megapixel resolution is ideal for cropping, and the electronic shutter eliminates blackout during shooting. It also has customizable settings banks, which streamline switching between different shooting environments. On the downside, it is a little heavy for casual travel and street photography.

Next up is the Nikon Zf, with its gorgeous retro design. It’s praised for being fun and robust, making it appealing for casual and street photographers. Gonzalez enjoys the manual dials and vintage aesthetic but notes that it lacks the customizable settings banks found in the Z8, making it less convenient for event photography.

The Nikon Z6 III is seen more as a work camera by Gonzalez, ideal for professionals who need a dependable setup for events and video work. It offers good ergonomics, customizable buttons, and excellent burst speed, but doesn’t feel quite as premium as the Z8.

So which camera is his favorite? You’ll have to watch the video and find out. As for my decision, I'm still thinking it over. If you have a recommendation for a Nikon Z body, be sure to let me know in the comments below.

Matt Murray is a travel and portrait photographer from Brisbane, Australia.

Matt loves shooting with compact cameras: both film and digital. His YouTube features reviews of film cameras, film stocks, and travel photography with the Ricoh GR III, Fujifilm X100V, and Olympus OM-1.

See more of Matt's photography and writing on his Substack.

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As a previous Nikon shooter, I'm so torn. One one hand we've started investing in the Sony system more for video so I kind of want to completely abandon Nikon, but on the other hand, I've always felt Nikon's files and colors looked the best to me. I just haven't made the jump from the archaic D850 to one of these Z cameras yet.

I agree about being torn Patrick... I sold all my Nikon glass too so it would not only be a decision about which Z body to buy but which lenses too :)

So apart from a dabble with fuji X series, I've pretty much kept with Nikon from the D3 up to now the Z9, which as a non working i.e. commercial photographer maybe a little overkill. However I started with the first Z6 and we all know the weakness with that camera and the high anticipation when switching to the Z6ii was soon flattened. I didn't bail ship though and saved my pennies and went with the Z9 when it was in budget as it was to me the mirrorless replacement of the D3 I loved.
However if the Z6iii was available at the time I am pretty certain the Z6iii would have been my choice purely for the versatility , the smaller form factor as I can't warrant two bodies and the Z9 is not a great choice when out and about in covert street photographer mode . I still adapt the larger lenses i.e. 600mm f4 and sigma 120-300 f2.8 sport but all others are native Z mount of which the Tamron 35-150 is cracking all round lens.

Great thoughts Adrian! Also good to hear that Tamron is a good lens, I've heard that a couple of times now.

As a current Nikon Shooter, I WANT a Z8. Don't need it as the Z7II and Z6II work perfectly fine for me. I have been a Nikon shooter since 2005 and almost went Sony. Overall, I am happy with the gear. Its always a want more than a need!

The Z8 looks amazing I must say! Thanks for reading :)

If only cameras were free! LOL

Its a good question. For me I went for the Z8 (but that was on the Z8 release date and the other 2 were not on the market at that point). I was concerned a bit about the weight, but then thought that I have shot with a D800 for several years, and that was never a deal breaker, and the Z8 is roughly the same size and dimensions, and size wise I think actually its not as bad as I worried it might be. Then if you are shooting with longer lenses, the larger size body pays off somewhat, as it balances the lens better than a smaller body does (I also have a Z6 I). For Zf of Z6 III - the first point is do you really need the megapixels of the Z8. If you do thats an obvious first step. I think ergonomically the Z8 is more comfortable than the ZF, as the ZF body is more angular and with less of a grip, there are 3rd party grips to solve this problem - but they add weight... To me the serious competition is with the Z6 III - and so if you don't need the megapixels, its a worthy consideration. That said I still do not regret one bit my Z8 purchase. The z8 is mindblowing in the options presented and the speed of the body. The new Z lenses are also a major improvement over the older DSLR lenses, all of my lenses really kill their older lenses dead in the water. I recently bought the 100-400 Z lens, and even with the 1.4TC - it really easily beats my older 180-500 zoom (which I am now selling). So if you can afford a Z8 I do not think you will be dissappointed.