Trending Posts in Offroad Photography

Flying sand

I usually shoot flying sand at a fast shutter to freeze the texture of the sand coming off the tires. The problem is...

Fresh snow on the mountain

Went up on the mountain with my son, camera and ATVs. Thought I'd share some pics in hopes of getting more conversation...

Hope some more photos will get things started in this group. Son jumping

This was taken with a Nikon d3500 with a Nikon 50mm prime lense. The sunset lit the whole sky pink. This is taken...

I wanted something different out of this photo

Seems like most shots are done panning with only the machine and riding in focus or they are shot at fast shutter...

On top of the mountain at night

I rode to the top of the mountain to watch the sunset which was difficult to photograph due to the amount of smoke from...

Yamaha Grizzly

Wild and Wonderful WV