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Matthew Lacy's picture

Burning Woods

This was a rather extreme edit, but I do like the way it came out. The HSL I did on it was a departure from my typically conservative post-production. I am including a before and after to show the change. While I am posting here to see if I went overboard on the color change, any comment is welcome. If you have a different idea of how to edit it, feel free to make your own changes.

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I love these Matthew. I like both color choices, perhaps the 1st a little more as it is different from the norm yet pleasing to the eye.
There's nothing to say you can't have multiple images with color variations, they just have to work.

Great job!

The second one was an export of the unedited RAW file. I do plan to do an edit that has the subtle greens in a bit, but the orange was my first goal.

Nope, not overboard to me. I find this so cool. It's just a totally different picture and mood than the original. Such a charged up and intense edit.

Thank you! I had a hard time straddling the line of over saturation. That was the biggest thing my early photos suffered from.

Oh, I've been there, too. I look back at some of my edits and wonder what I was thinking.

Very nice, love what you did with the colors as well; good tone and saturation.

I mainly shoot nature and greens are always difficult for me and sometimes shifting them into the yellows is the best way to deal with them.

I've taken some landscapes lately which have strong greens; even stronger with bright green vegetation taken in direct sunlight. The greens really popped in person, so the camera reflects that, but then the image looks over saturation when it was how the scene looked. So I tone them back, then back up, then down again.. Greens are the worst, haha.. All part of the fun I guess. I'm a little off topic so I'll stop..

but yeah, I like this one, well done.

I completely understand what you mean about the green.

My preference is the green, the greyish trees harmonise with green to provide a smoother image. On first look, the trees would be better in a warmer colour to blend with the oranges, like burnt umber. All purely a question of personal taste - both are nice images.

That's the difference between contrast and blending. Both work well in photos. I will come out with a version based on the green soon.