I haven't posted anything here in a while, but just today I had the chance to go out to some woods and play around with some ICM. These haven't been edited with any raw processor besides the in-camera editor. I'm looking for any thoughts on what appeals to you about each shot or changes you'd make in the processing. I'll come up with some final versions eventually. Remember, the only wrong opinion is the one you keep to yourself.
Hi Matthew, it is good to see you branching out..... I particularly like the way you are experimenting with different compositions - doing so helps determine what works and what doesn't.
Your technique is good, a vertical pan is certainly best for subjects with a vertical nature.
I prefer the first over others. #3 may have improved had the exposure been longer or panned faster so you don't have the abrupt lines of red.
#4 is interesting, and I like the retention of some recognizable detail in the tree trunk.
You are well on your way, and it's always good to experiment to get the feel for how the process affects the subject.
I feel your next step is to consider the standard elements of composition, lighting etc when taking the shot. ICM should be thought of as a process to enhance what is already there, so look for a subject you might take otherwise and use ICM to make it better.
If interested in seeing the work of others I would highly recommend the ICMphotomag Facebook group. There are a lot of eager members who like us all are there to get inspired and post their own creations;
I'll leave with one of my tree shots. I was struck by the color difference of two trees within a pine forest and used a similar technique to your own to capture (note that I did experiment wildly with exposure time, pan speed and composition).
Thank you for your response Alan. As I was working yesterday, I was inspired by your work, as well as that of Ruth Carll and Stephanie Johnson. The one you showed me is a stunning shot, and still one of my favorites of yours. The first is a favorite of mine, and I'm looking into some digital stretch to work on number three.
Matthew, I have an article on my site that may help. Although aimed at simulating effects this can be used the increase what you already have.
Take a look under ‘my guides’ if interested- alanbrownphotography.com
PS Motion blur should satisfy your needs
Hi Mathew... I prefer the first two images of which the second is my favourite... great job.
Thank you for taking a look!
Hi, Matthew. 1st and 2nd are my favorites with the edge going to the 1st because it has just enough of a hint of what it actually is. #2 is a tad more abstract but still nice however.
Thank you for commenting.