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Andrew Williams's picture

Suburban Wildlife

I've no idea what kind of hawk this is. He was just sitting there when Harry and I came around the corner a few weeks back on our daily circumnavigation of the neighborhood. While I had seen this guy or one of his cousins a few times lately, this is the closest he ever allowed us. Still, a 300mm lens was helpful.

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That's a beautiful bird. There's a hawk in my neighborhood that I've never gotten a clear shot of, so kudos to you for your success.

My guess is a Cooper's Hawk.

That's what I've been told by a neighborhood friend who knows more about electronics than ornithology. Of course, I can hardly tell the difference between a robin and a woodpecker.

Looks like a cooper's hawk - are there many bird feeders in the area? If so, it is like #1 China Buffet for these birds.