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Jason Guy's picture

Test shoot

Hey guys!

Just wanted to share this shot from a test shoot the other day. I'm trying to find more hair and MUA to collaborate with. I had no idea finding those people would be such a challenge!

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Agreed, it's definitely tough finding good hair and makeup stylists, but they're so important. I've started paying for makeup if i need someone on short notice and/or someone really good that I trust. Worth it!

Hi Jason, You have a good look going on here. Hair and make up is so important, as well as stylists, of course. Where are you based?

Northern CA

Have you tried Model Mayhem? I would imagine all the models must have a wealth of experience and lists of favourites HMUPs, with all their diverse speciality skills noted, in their metaphorical little black books.

If you were in the north of England there is a models social media FB site where these skills are easily findable, have a search. best of luck.

Have to agree with all the comments, hair & makeup

I like the look and the light. After letting my eyes roam I saw that it appears her two middle fingers on her left hand have been amputated. Though this might just be my cheap monitor not handling contrast too well. I like it.

Thanks for the comments guys. I'm relived to hear it's not just me that is having a challenging time finding these people. Onward!