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Justin Hardiman's picture

my first vintage editorial

ive only been shooting 2 years but critiques are welcome

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also i am looking for advice on where i can find a job doing photography if you guys know any tips can you please help me out

The colors are a bit too much, especially if you are going for a vintage look. I'm also perplexed by your exposure choices. The last image is super busy, and you chose f11 for the aperture. I would recommend stepping back, using all of that little zoom lens, and shooting closer to wide open so you soften up the background.

As a matter of fact, the closer I look, the more I realize you need to pay a lot more attention to your composition, backgrounds, and reflections. Get a 50 and/or 85, and shoot to isolate your subject a bit. Watch for things growing out of her head, or bisecting it. And I don't think the curlers work. At least, not for every shot.

thanks but actually the colors are my style i like vibrant colors maybe you dont and i respect that buti do agree with composition and things growing out of her head and i shot at f11 because i wanted the scene in my shot in focus to get a sense of location thanks for the feedback

I like the vibrant colours, I'm sure the first instinct with vintage is to go more muted colours but with all those bold colours why not utilise them! I think the only problem with the colour is in the second image and last image. In the second image the saturation is too much on the background. The reds are clipping and the intense saturation is highlighting noise and colour fringing (CA). The last image I think is a bit much too, maybe if the model was less magenta and the sky was taken a little more back to cyan/blue it would work for me. BUt still I like the set :)

Normally I prefer a toned down palette but these are sick! Really suit the subject and it's very clear your crafting your own unique style. I can understand the comments about aperture choice, but I like that... feels like you're just marching to the beat of your own drum. Also, most 60's/70's photography seemed to have a very large depth of field, so feels right.

I think the only thing are throws me out is the shot where you've put in the vintage scene through the window.
The image you chose has some pretty bad jpeg artefacts and chromatic aberration. I'd suggest either cleaning it up, finding a better res image or carry some of those flaws through into your work as it jars a little compared to the pixel perfect shot of the model.
Great stuff though, looking forward to seeing more.

As for advice with photographic jobs, that's a tough one. I've worked mini-lab jobs, freelancing and a degree in photography and only fell into a job where photography made up a large part of the working day 4 years back when I was 31!! Depends on what you wanna do, I always wanted to be a music photographer so just sent work to magazines till I got picked up as a freelancer.
I guess just stay pro-active sending your work to people, make it personal rather than carpet-bombing everyone with the same e-mail and pieces of work, tailor it to the recipient. Make a decent online portfolio to refer to as well. Good luck man.

thanks alot for the feed back

I love your post and the overall result. Really well done. We feel the 50s look! Bravo! ;)

thanks so bro

It seems to me that you have gone for the old slide film look and taken it up a notch. I think that is valid and works, not to my taste exactly but not far away either, exept the last one where the colours are a bit odd.

I think this set requires, demands actually, a moment or ten to think about the collection.

I think the curlers are OK but would have liked some without them. When it comes to period, the devil is in the detail. Now I am no expert on period lingerie but the bra seems modern to me. Period would likely have been lace, but what do I know.

The one where she is looking into your lens would, imo, have looked better if she had been either; smiling as if having fun and being emarassed to be snapped in her curlers, out in public, or if she had been looking off.

Cigarettes; I hate them in life and in art but if you are going to include them, and that is valid in such a period set, then light it. The smoke is part of the disgusting image they present, as is the ash and nicotine stained fingers etc.

I don't mind the depth of field and the things sticking out of her head etc as they are reminiscent of snap shots, which with the direct flash, deep focus and clutter combined with the everyday styling, of the period, just hangs together, so well.

Others have said things which do not chime with my views, and I suspect they may change their minds after taking a few minutes to consider and perhapse thinking about some of the points I flag up. Either way we are all entitled to our opinions and for what it may be worth, I think, great job.

A lovely set of pics of a beautiful girl with a great theme and locations all the better for the make-up and the Kodachrome gone bonkers look. Keep it up.

The curlers should have been an accent but seem have taken over the look...I am old enough to have seen real women (my mom and aunts) wearing curlers in public. I think usually they would wear some kind of scarf with the curlers. Your model is all put together except for curlers which seems odd unless you are making some sort of ironic point. I agree with the other post about if you are using a cig as a prop then light it.
The weird colors are a judgement call.
If you are looking for photo gigs, it's good to have a huge presence on Instagram (10k followers or more) and know people who know people.

wow! super photography work. specially i like your hair style. Thank you for share it

The colours are great - the last one seems a bit out of place compared to the rest, but overall it's an awesome set. Very David LaChappelle colour style

thanks man actually the collection didnt include the last photo i just went crazy with the colors because i love playing with colors

The actual colours are great but you just need to use less stauration, it's gone a tad over the point where it would be perfect.
I think your style will evolve towards the tigher shots, they look pretty solid, just need to clean up the frame a bit, ie 2nd shot - the hand, cigarette, napkins, menu and glasses looks busy and 3rd shot - reflection of gas heater, umbrella and the rumpled jacket in lower right corner. Take care of those little things and these will go from good shots to killer shots.
It looks like you instictively want the frame to be clean, look at the little detais. V impressive.