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Djordje Djokovic's picture


i love this shadows

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Classic headshot. Very well executed, indeed.


I'm not sure I like the direction of the light, and the way it hits her nose - there's that highlight, then dense shadows. I probably would have used fill on the opposite side to even the light out just a bit. Either way, still a great shot.

if i pull up shadows i lose dramatic feel in the shoot

I disagree with PF. The bright red of her shirt and the touch of amber in her glasses against the background and her skin tone, coupled with the attitude displayed by your model conveys a very dynamic and dramatic feel. I think the high contrast look of the hard shadows works in this image. Very nicely done.


This is awesome! Great shot!


It depends on what you're looking for; what you want to achieve. Typically strong lighting is not advised for headshots of women. I'm not sure why you wanted a dramatic look, which imparts a more masculine feel to the shot. The eyes in this shot are dark, which is a disappointment, since the model has beautiful eyes. Eyes are what make the connection to the observer in shots like these. They can express the inner thoughts of the subject and convey much meaning. Also a distraction for me is the ear of the model. Because it is so dark, with almost no detail, it attracts my attention - a little too much attention. With all that said, you did achieve a mysterious look. If that's what you were going for, I think you hit it. There are no "rules" or standards in photography that can't be broken, as long as you know what rules or standards you broke, and why you broke them.

thanks for your comment

Great shot!

Maybe i'd fill a little bit on the dark side to open a little bit the shadows on her cheek...but is so intense!

thanks, but i love it like this

Love the shadow across the cheek and jawline. well done!

me too..thanks :)

Great colors! Awesome shot


Awesome, the shadows are great - I love that splash of light coming from behind!