One overhead light: Einstein with 60" Photek Softlighter II
Shot on Canon 5D3 & 70-200mm F2.8L IS II
A fair amount of retouching on the hair, but not on the color itself (just minor RAW tweaks to even out the highlights).
Beauty, Portrait & Editorial Makeup Photography and Retouching
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Hair is such a pain to retouch haha But you did a fantastic job here! What technique(s) did you use to clean it up?
Yes, hair is super difficult... and this rainbow hair adds another level of difficulty. I wish I could tell you specific techniques, but I had a specialist retouch this one. @tedretouching on ig ;)
The colors themselves are amazing, super wow! :D
Thank you! When light hits at certain angles, it's stunning. I'm going to try to do some beach stuff with her this summer... stay tuned. :)