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Dan Howell's picture

Glamourmodels Group on Facebook

I have recently taken over the web domain glamourmodels.com from my old friend Dave Hall who passed away in late 2015. Back in the day, Glamourmodels was one of the go-to places for glamour models and photographers to connect, share information and images. This was before Model Mayhem, before OneModelPlace. My friend Dave could have made the site into a membership/subscription site at the time, but he chose to keep it as a place for people with a common interest to interact. In that spirit I have created a Facebook group and I hope that people will use it to connect and share both information and images.


If I don't know you already, please send a message letting me know who you are and I will be happy to approve new members. It is just getting off the ground so I don't know what will become of it, but I do think there is a need for a genre-specific destination, like this is, to interact about glamour images. Thanks.

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