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Éric Livernoche's picture

Looking for feedback

Hey guys!

My name is Éric. I'm an amateur photographer, based in Québec (Canada). I've been into photography for around 5 years now, but I felt more seriously into it two years ago.

As many of you, I dream taking pictures and playing with lights will become a profession for me someday.

Feel free to be brutaly honest when criticizing my work. I will try to put more pictures here in the future

Thanks! =)

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I think you have a very good photo here. Your colour palette is lovely and well judged. The light and basic photo technique are well done the bright flyaway hair is a bit distracting but her eyes are so well handled that the hair is not so much of an issue as might have been the case. I do thing the hairs infront of her left eye are not ideal. I would not have cropped the top of her head, although I often choose to do exactly that. In fact I think she needs and deserves a bit looser crop all round. All told this is good work.

Hey Ian, thanks for the comment! You're definitly right, the hair in her eye is not ideal. I didn't dare clone it out in fear of 'breaking' the eye. I went for a tighter crop to blur out the background, which was really not so great! ;) Still, I definitly have to try adding space in my portraits (using shorter focal).

By the way, that's a nice portfolio you got there. Those cars pictures are just amazing... I love the cinematic feel in them...

Yes retouching eyes might be tricky. Make a copy and have a go though. Nothing to loose, but time. I don't mind the longer focal length but also would not mind a bit shorter. What was this lens, about 150mm ff equivelant?

Thank you for the very kind and complimentary portfolio review. The last person I critiqued was a total troll about my portfolio. As far as I can tell because he misunderstood something I said about flicker ruining one of his pictures which I liked in the original form. Go figure.