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Mike Schmidt's picture

First time poster, love the work I see here. Open for CC

Saved for 2 years to purchase my first Canon AE-1 when I was 13 years old. Been hooked ever since but have taken on a renewed interest at the young age of 53 to get serious and fine tune my knowledge. Work in process for local Irish Pub. Bartender at work, all C&C welcome.

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I imagine this was very low level lighting. The blur of the hands is a bit distracting as is the sharp pump by his elbow. He is not sharp, however, and is looking out of frame, which can work but usually does not and I don't think it works here. The warm friendly smile is a moment to capture but you do need the composition and technicals right as well as the moment captured, for a successful photograph. Use higher ISO and fast lenses and realy focus on focus. Practice practice practice. You wil enjoy and benefit and get some very good photographs from the input. This kind of photography in poor light is not easy. I like that you do not seem to have used on camera flash.

Keep it up.

Thanks Ian.

Yes this was no flash in a pretty dark pub with only windo light coming in from 2 Windows 20 or so feet from his right. Since the subject talks with his hands so much, I did find humor in the hand movement. This was my first day shooting with my 6D in full manual mode and still getting used to the back button focus.

Thanks for the tips!