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Paul Watt's picture

Near miss

Hi all,
I've been playing with this for a few days and have finally admitted defeat! I just didn't expose correctly for the upright post at capture and lost loads of detail. I think it's a little out of focus as well (I must have knocked my focus ring at some point and not noticed). Ah well, I'll just have to chalk it up to experience and re-shoot at another time. I did a quick b&w edit/version of it and it has potential I think.

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its not as bad as you say. I quite like it actually.

I agree. It's not horrible by any means. The only thing that bothers me is the dark, and light glow around your focal point. Maybe it's dodging and burning bleed? Just another quick critique. Although the picture isn't bad, it might be interesting to go back when there are some interesting clouds in the sky. Something to keep playing around with.

Thanks. I think the sky is the problem myself.If I had exposed the post correctly, with the sky I had I think this would have worked better (maybe I'm being a bit too harsh on myself but I'm a right pain in the arse when I don't get the shot that was in my head lol). If there had been something interesting going on in the sky I could have got away with it. I might tweak the B&W on this a bit just for practice - my agoraphobia has kicked in again so I'm house bound for a while. Good job my LR cat is full of images I haven't got around to playing with yet!

You keep writing about exposing the post correctly. If the post is correctly exposed then everything will be corrrect, surely. Yes they would be at different points on the grey scale but correctly positioned on it. Or have I missed something?

I was using multiple exposures blended together in PS using luminosity masks because the tide wasn't high enough at the right time (I wanted the "golden hour" light in the structure) , so I was doing multiple long exposure until the water was high enough, but I think I just ballsed it up when actually setting up the shot. It's either a focus issue or something else - I've a sneaking suspicion I knocked something when putting a filter on.Oh well, no drama!

I agree, potential, yes. But that has not been realised in this attempt. Tough luck Paul, and better luck next time.

turned out really nice

I think I can see a bit of evidence of burning and dodging, you might have to tighten that up. but other than that it has an interesting surreal look to it, the smooth greys and transitions might have something to do with that.

I quite like the darker exposure but the thing that bothers me about this shot is the heavy handed editing creating the halo effect around the central post.

Trust me, that bothers me too! That halo appears when I do even the slightest adjustment to this image - heavy handed or the lightest of light edits.