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Tyler Yates's picture

First Post on FS

I am relatively new to photography, less than a year. Just wanted to post a photo I enjoyed taking and ask what others thought. CC is welcome.


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Hey Tyler. Welcome, both to the forum and to the beautiful world of photography! I'm actually new to the forum as well, but have been behind a camera for the past 14 years. I like your picture. It's nice, but I wouldn't say it is eye catching. I suppose the road is the focal point with leading lines and all that good stuff, but nothing terribly interesting sticks out in this photo. It's a nice scene, but not much more. It's missing some sort of pizazz that would bring this photo to the next level. One piece of advice for landscape photography in general is (if you can) keep revisiting places during different times of day, different weather conditions, times of year, angles, Etc.. You can shoot the same landscape and get different results each time if you just keep practicing. Lastly, always be sure to look closely at your photos and remove things like dust spots. I see one in the clouds (easy to miss) near the top slightly to the left. Keep it up!

Thank you for the honest feedback! Its all a work in progress. I am hoping to take a lesson geared towards post processing soon, to work on and catch things like the dust spec. Thanks again.

Kevin Nailed it, really. It's nice but a bit boring. The point of view, creating the vanishing point effect, works well but it would be nice if there was something of interest down the road that the road could draw our eyes to. It doesn't matter what, a vehicle, a person, a deer, a building, a bridge or even an aeroplane or hot air balloon in the sky just above the vanising point, it matters not, just a subject to be featured in the landscape setting, and down where the converging road margins draw the eye.

Technically, you have it nailed, deep focus, correctly exposed with good tones and colours. Yes, Kevin noticed the dust spot but that's an easy fix.

Kevin is also right about revisiting places over and over, in different weather, times of day or different seasons.

Keep up the good work and most of all, enjoy.

Thanks Ian. I will keep at it, as this is something I enjoy doing. I will take the comments and use them to my advantage. Much appreciated.

Hi Tyler,
The previous comments are on the money. I took a look at your other photos and see some great potential so I wanted to encourage you to get out and show us the absolute beauty of Montana! You are fortunate to live in one of our country's most wonderful natural scenic areas. When I started out I found studying others' images has help me understand what makes better images over just good images. I look forward to seeing more of your images and enjoy the journey.

I have not been in MT long so I am looking forward to going out and exploring... Good point on studying others images, that it why I try to frequent this site and read the comments. So thank you very much!

Hi Tyler
I like your photo! The clouds make it look dramatic but as Ian writes I think a subject added to the photo would be the final touch.

Keep up the good work!

Welcome to Montana. Does this place look familiar?

Looks like this part of MT. Not sure exactly where though.

I thought it might be the same road you shot, just a little closer to the highway (83). Maybe?

I took this in the Elk Horn Mts, out side of Helena. I am planning a trip up to Whitefish this summer, going to take the 83!