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Joseph Kim's picture

another critique

Another shot from the hike at Lake 22, WA! Asking for some more feedback. Let me know what can be improved! Also, IF there is something good about this photo, let me know as well! If there isn't anything I've done well, oh well haha process of learning. Just trying to get better! Thank you guys so much.

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I like the colours, but the line of trees kind of leads my eyes out of the picture, maybe try a different perspective but good shot

Thank you for the feedback! I'll work on it more!

I think the shot is nice, but not great. Composition wise, it looks ok. I like the snow covered rock in the foreground, the angle is nice, but I always think lower is better (but it's really fine as is). The biggest problem is the sky is plain boring. I also feel like there is probably a lot more to this image. The only thing that stands out nicely is the rock int he foreground. Everything else is just kinda meh. Don't get me wrong, the landscape is beautiful, but it's not blowing anyone socks off. I feel like I should be seeing more of the scene. Maybe try shooting it in landscape orientation, try a wider lens to get more scene, and wait for some dramatic clouds to come flying in! Again, the image is nice, but It's not gonna grab a lot of attention.

Thank you! I think it was the lowest I could possibly get with the tripod haha.. I guess I could've done hand held though. Completely agree that the sky is boring. I've been trying to work on the sky more. Thanks!

It is a shame the light was so dull, not your fault I know and not that much of a shame actually. I'll come back to that point below.

There are people who seem to think lanscapes need to be fit for the lid of a box of biscuits or confectionary, or at a stretch for use on a picture postcard. This image does not meet this rather mean standard. Not to worry. Most great landscape artists' master pieces don't meet that standard either.

The composition looks quite good to me. Not text book perhaps, but text books are to help us learn basic rules, which as we become more aesthetically sensitive, sophisticated and mature, having learned and practiced the basics from the text books or whereever, we can start to break to advantage, to be creative if you will. I define creative as; being unexpectedly effective. In other words we need to have a strong grasp on basic aesthetic skills before we are likely to be able to make images that are better than painting by numbers or text book exercises would afford us. For my money, this is a creative, although certainly not radical, composition. The colours and tones harmonise binding the image together, so that is also good, and there is a sense of wilderness and isolation, not just from the subject matter but from the dull cold blue light and lack of crisp sparkle. This works extremely well, for me.

This image is, in a way, very similar to many of my FS portfolio landscapes, which are of a very different subject matter but of a very similar atmosphere and mood. This image will be unlikely to be especially popular, just as the more atmospheric and poigniant of my portfolio are not particularly popular. But as people become more aesthtically sophisticated they will grow to like this more and more.

The only change I keep imagining to this photograph is a subtle darkening of the upper left sky with a muted smokey blue graduation, so it mirrors the colour of the frozen lake, well not exactly but you know what I mean.

I think many of us will like this image more and more as we revisit it. All the best tastes are aquired as we grow up and the process takes tiem. We grow out of the more accessible tastes, quite quickly.

Very well done.

Thank you! Post processing have been a struggle for me but I've been getting better! Definitely have lots of room for improvement haha. Thank you for the feedback.

I like this image much better. I like the simpler foreground contrasted with the mountains. The sky seems to take more space than it needs to...might think about cropping it just a bit (personal opinion!). The foreground is nice and interesting to hold my eye. Congrats!
p.s. I'm thinking if you moved the camera to the right a bit keeping the rock as foreground and having the mountain in the distance it would be a postcard shot!

Thanks Michael! You're feedbacks have been great!

There seems to be some subtle variation in the sky, I wonder if some work in LR (maybe the dehaze slider?) could bring out some detail? If it does, maybe blending the images together afterwards might yield results?