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Mads Peter Iversen's picture

Would love some CC on these pictures :)

Hey would love some CC / feedback on these pictures. Any thoughts are welcome :)

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They are all good but the windmill looks amazing. I wonder was it a day and night montage, to include the sun and the stars with some flash on the left side, or is that the moon? Or was it HSS with flash on the left side? Did you have a second flash on the right side? Please let us know how you did it?

Beautiful and superbly done.

Thanks alot Ian. It's a nightpicture - the moon is often very bright compared to the nightsky. If you want a well-exposed moon-picture you can't see the stars and vice-versa ;)

Dude, you nailed it again! I'm looking on a relatively small screen so I have to scroll to see the photos. Looking at "Hvitserkur" (as I'm scrolling down) thinking "This is nice" then when the foreground appeared I was thinking "This is epic!".

Thanks alot Paul! Yeah I really like it too - it's a composite of two pictures with different shutterspeed :)

very beautiful!

Thanks Jayden :)

Wow...they are wonderful. The only critique I can offer is on the Selfoss image. The upper left part of the image (sunrise/sunset) pulls my eye and I lose the wonderful waterfalls in that brightness.
The other images are beautiful, and intriguing.
I have a personal taste thing to share...on vertical images I think the 2 x 3 image ratio out of camera is to long for many images so I crop to a 4 x 5 ratio (to me it just looks more correct or I shot to many 4 x 5 images many decades ago). Just something for thought.

Thank you Mike! :) Yeah I'm kinda getting into the same thought with the 2:3 ratio on verticals. It's definately something worth considering :)

Of course the width x height ratio is down to personal taste. In this case the 2 x 3 works because you can take advantage of the lovely texture of the water flowing right down to the bottom of the image. Crop to 4 x 5 and you have to lose a lot of that. If you need convincing of the extended vertical image formats, look out for some vertical panoramas - they can be stunning if properly conceived.

Mike...Once shot you might be limited in cropping..totally agreed. When I shoot verticals I almost always factor in space to crop to a 4X5 ratio. I've never considered a vertical panorama. Sounds like a project for me to explore. Thanks for the idea. Mike

I was wowed by every single one of these photos! Great job on all of them!

Thank you Tyler! :)

You're welcome! The photos deserve it