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Cody Limber's picture


Hey guys, I wanted your opinions on this crop, mostly do you think its too wide or not wide enough. I'd also love any other feedback you're willing to give:

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I like it alot! :) Maybe there's actually still at bit too much foregraound, maybe remove 10% from the buttom or so :)

Hmmm...good question! Width looks good to me. If you have enough shot, I would perhaps pan up a bit, removing some of the foreground. Just a touch more sky. ??

I actually love it the way it is, and I think you want to show more of the fore and mid ground as to the clouds. I'll say you should try flipping the image horizontally in order to place that path leading to the mountain on the left side of the image. It should pull you right towards mid ground and help you ignore all of the empty space in the foreground.

Would also give it a journey vibe

I understnd why you have cropped it as here and it may be the best solution. Or may be not, I am not sure. My gut feeling may be wrong but because the foreground is rather boring and the sky is more interesting perhaps including more sky and less fg might work better. Yes, I know it may diminish the mountain, so a very careful and sensitive choice will be required. I suppose if you were shootng it again, then I would suggest lowering the camera a good bit and this would make some of the rather small stones in the foreground much closer to the lens and so more impactful.

The breadth of the scape looks pretty good, certainly not too wide.

Nice one.