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phillip bolden's picture

Mouses Tank Road

Early morning in the Valley of Fire State Park. (35 miles north and 14 miles east of Las Vegas)

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Photo is fine. I just find it a bit uninteresting. Sorry.
Maybe if you have the gear for long exposure, the you could have done some nice stuff with the clouds.

Dont know how the sun goes at this location. But could be nice to try have the sun in the middle of the V formation between the two cliffs or maybe the moon? :)

I agree with Mikkel. There just isn't much interesting about it. Maybe a nice sky behind it?

We all feel essentially the same. A nice shot but lacking something, sky maybe or foreground subject, such as tree, cactus, rusty car, horse, brand new car, character model looking appropriate or sophisticated model looking highly out of place, say in an evening gown with high heeled sandals in her hands or man in tuxedo.

The light is nice although even lower sun might have been even better.

You definitely more accurately nailed what it's missing